Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Check Please!

SO you are in a hurry or maybe have what you need after spending an hour or two in the store with your two kids who are now way past bored and you are ready to get the hell out of Dodge. What do you do next? Simple you head to check out. The store may have 25 check out lanes but guess what? Only three are open and they are at the other end of the store on the opposed side from the exit from where you parked in the parking lot. Fine. I'll suck that up. You get in line, aisle #3. Not that bad. The person in front has almost finished checking out. You are feeling good as your kids are starting to get bored and asking for what ever is on the end aisle.Candy, shoe polish, fucking Sponge Bob band aids. You say "No put that stuff back" as you look for your wallet. Then what happens? The person in front pulls out there fucking check book. Really? People still have check books? Use a debit card you bitches. What you like making every one wait? You like to balance your check book? You feel special signing your name like you are special? Yet you are special. Very fucking special you retarded SOB. GO HOME and stay there in the 90's. How hard is it to get a debit card. Arh! So is my life.

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